Friday, October 23, 2009

Front Porch Friday: One of God's Greatest Blessings

Many rabbis have taught that one of God's greatest blessings are children because it teaches us more about the Creator. Today David and I are incredibly blessed to be awaiting the arrival of another precious baby! We are almost a quarter of the way through this pregnancy and so far things look good! Although our last pregnancy did not make it, we are choosing to happily embrace this wee one even though we are still in the early stages of development. One of the greatest risks your heart ever takes in life is choosing to love someone, but I can think of nothing in life more worthwhile. That being said, we are choosing not to broadcast all of the exciting news on facebook out of respect for those who may find our good news a painful reminder at this junction in their lives.

First view of our wee one! See the head and arms and legs?

And now for all the juicy details! Our little one is due to arrive May 30, 2010. Today we went to the doctor for our first visit and got to see our wee one on the ultrasound! We saw its little arms and legs moving and its heart beating! David and I found it very exciting to see the little one moving around; however, I think it was a little lost on Jessica! We also got to hear the heartbeat. That did catch Jessica's attention! In a little over 10 weeks we will be able to see all of its organs to make sure everything is developing as it should (as well as if it is a boy or a girl)! This next week on the blog we will be focusing on pregnancy and baby topics (of course from a frugal and self-sufficient perspective) in celebration of the newest member of our family!!! Then I promise we will get on with topics relating to and celebrating the season!!!


  1. I was hoping this was your good news!!! Congratulations!!

  2. Thanks Audra!! We are very excited!!!

  3. AH! Congratulations! I'm so excited for you! I'm glad I get to stay updated with you blog!

    Love, Susie

  4. Awww!! Thanks Susie! I told Mom and Dad to spread the news, but they don't always do a very good job at that! However, now you get to know all the details!!! love, Amy
