We also opened gifts that my extended family had mailed to us since we weren't going to be able to make the trip this year. Jessica enjoyed playing with her puzzle, play fruit/veggies, Sesame Street figures, and her bathtub baby doll; however, she spent most of the rest of the evening accessorizing with a box my mom had sent that included one new outfit with quite a few different matching accessories!
Once Jessica went to bed, I did my best to set the tree back the way it was before many tiny hands redecorated it for me.
Yes, to the left of the tree is what Santa brought Jessica! This is the same kitchen David build earlier this season. We finished it out with a paint job and a few new accessories! I set the dishes and play food she already had on it to make it look like Santa played with it! Here is a picture of the whole thing!
We don't have any still pictures from Christmas morning, just video, which is not edited yet. When we let her out of her room, she ran straight past the living room into our kitchen. I had to turn her around to show her that Santa had come! Then she said something that sounded like, "What's this?" Followed very quickly by a, "Wow!" She immediately started cooking. Her daddy made a point of building the kitchen to be very strong; however, she already managed to break the oven door so Daddy is going to have to fix it so it will be even stronger! I was also glad he thought to build it to be very heavy. Once the cat jumped up on it, Jessica decided she wanted to climb it too!
We still have a little bit more Christmasing to do this week when my sister comes to town followed by David's parents, but so far it has been a very restful and enjoyable Christmas!
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