Monday, September 27, 2010

Momma Needs a Big Mac!!!!!!!!!!

Today was John's 4 month check-up. David wasn't able to stay home and go with us so I had to take both kids by myself. We got there at 10, but apparently I had called and changed the appointment to 9 am but hadn't changed it on my card!!! Thankfully they were able to work us in....we had to wait a bit, but we got in! John is growing to be a big big boy!! He is already over 16 lbs! The doctor also said that he thinks John's eyes are ok, but since they still look kind of crossed, we will be taking him to an ophthalmologist at 6 months just to make sure. He also commented on how talkative John is! John is not rolling over at all; however, he is trying to pull up to a sit. It is amazing how different kids are!

The doctor also asked how Jessica's speech was going. I told him that the Speech Pathologist also agreed that she was not "on the spectrum" (although I think a lot of that had to do with what I had told her I thought....since I am the School Psychologist), and he said, "Good. I had actually been a little worried about that." Oy vey! Good thing for Jessica that her mother is a School Psychologist; otherwise, I think she would have been diagnosed as being "on the spectrum" by now. They give those diagnoses out like candy these days!!!!!! More on that later. I digress....

John got two shots, and we went out to the waiting room to pay. I turned around, and Jessica was standing there stark NAKED!!!!!!!!!!!!! Then she started yelling, "Pee Pee, Pee Pee!!!!" so I grabbed her and ran down the hall to the bathroom (with her still stark naked....the people in the hallway found it very hilarious.....thankfully the waiting room was empty)! Then we went back, cleaned up the mess, changed her clothes, and got me a flu shot!!!! Let me just say that was one of the's visit!!!!!!!!


  1. My son has pulled his pants/diaper off in our pediatrician's office too :) Got to love kids lol!

  2. Glad to know I am not the only one whose kids strips in the doctor's office! Kids definitely make life interesting!!!!!

  3. You know Ashley....I usually anticipate most of the crazy things Jessica decides to do (because she is just like me)....but I sure didn't see this one coming!!!!!!
