We've had a lot of changes happening at our house this week...

Jessica cut her own hair and will be wearing an up doo until it grows out! (The right side of her head has some very short layers in it.) Looks like I am going to have to get better at doing little girl hair...

Jessica also learned that she can climb furniture to obtain desired items. We had to turn the chest in her room around backwards and move out the desk. We also moved all of the stuff off the kitchen counters and put locks on the upper cabinets so that she can help me cook!

Jessica also learned to shoot her mother with the spray nozzle on the kitchen sink!

She has excellent aim....

John is getting cuter by the day!

This week we went out to eat a couple days, but I managed to get this accomplished:

This was the coat closet by the front door. It is now the closet that I will be storing the kids' games, movies, art supplies, preschool supplies, sand/water table supplies, and my scrapbooking supplies! I am finding new way to maximize our storage space!

Aren't you impressed?? Today the closet, tomorrow the world!!!!
We also took Jessica to the doctor this week. We decided to go ahead and see a speech therapist just to give her a little bit of help. She has already started communicating even more this week, but we figure a little extra help won't hurt! Jessica's latest new word is "Gosh!" She says it any time she has an accident, and sometimes when John is getting a diaper change or she is going to the potty. How did she make that association? David always says that when we are changing a particularly awful diaper!
I was very pleased to hear that one of David's relatives is a Speech Pathologist and said that it is quite common for 2.5 year olds to not be talking much yet! I will say though that it will be a little easier when she does start communicating better. People say all the time, "No it won't because then you won't be able to get them to shut-up." However, if you have ever had a somewhat non-verbal child throw tantrums when they can't explain to you what they want/need (which is exponentially more challenging as they get bigger), then you know just how challenging and frustrating it can be.....not to mention having to use creative methods to potty train, manage behavior, and do just about everything! I have a new respect for parents whose children remain mostly non-verbal their entire lives!
This week Jessica threw a tantrum as we were leaving the locker room at the pool. It took me a while to catch on, but I eventually realized that although she runs around naked at the house all the time, she did not want to leave the locker room in just a diaper! I wonder where she picked up this modest streak from...
Jessica also REFUSED to wear a diaper when we went out last night and to bed....definitely not bothered in the least by the new baby.....definitely not regressing!!!

So I have been busy making more of these
fleece shorties to go over her training pants to give us a few extra seconds to find a bathroom!!! She has really been doing great! She didn't wake up last night to go to the bathroom, and only had a small accident when she woke up and was not completely conscious!!
Jessica has also enjoyed assessorizing this week with necklaces especially (you can see one that used to belong to Aunt Kim in the picture where she is wearing the denim dress), but here are a couple pictures of her at Sunday lunch a couple weeks ago trying on a friend's hat with her cool fish sunglasses!

And one of John from another Sunday lunch...

Next, I plan to get busy finishing some dresses for Jessica as she is very quickly out growing some of her dresses! Now David and I are both taking a deep breath in front of the computer hoping that we don't have to get used to too many more changes next week! We've had enough to last for a while!!