Doesn't she look adorable??
Speaking of potty training Jessica is doing really well!!! The only accidents we are having are at night. Usually I think she just forgets when she wakes up that she is in training pants. I have to admit I am very surprised at how well she is doing since I didn't have anything to do with this next step on the road to potty training! She is incredibly independent!! Speaking of which, she decided that she wanted to cook the other night while David and I both thought the other one was watching her. So instead of cooking at her play kitchen, she goes into the fridge, pulls out the eggs, and starts cracking them and scrambling them....on the kitchen floor!!!!!! All of the bowls and pans were behind locked cabinet doors.) What Jessica lacks in speaking, she makes up for in "self-help" skills!
We also did our grocery shopping for the next week and a half, only spent $78, and it only took about an hour! I felt pretty good about that! I did purchase a few non-whole food items (spaghetti noodles, tomato sauce, cheese, and bread), but I have planned a lot of meals from scratch for the next week and a half! Cooking from scratch makes me happy! By the way, this is what Jessica wore to the grocery store.
Isn't she cute?
I couldn't pick just one picture!
The boots came from a friend down the street.
She obviously likes them!
Our friends down the street also gave John this cute costume!
They also gave Jessica this costume for her birthday! I was going to make the kids' costumes for Halloween this year, but these are just too cute not to use!!!
She obviously likes it too!
Jessica and John are best buds! Here she is giving John a kiss!
Jessica really enjoyed pushing John around in the baby doll stroller this week.....he was a little uncertain about the experience...
She is also becoming an avid baby wearer! (Gotta teach 'em young!) Here she is with her baby in the Mei Tai that I made her!
Tomorrow Jessica is attending her 9th birthday party! I am still not sure how she is so popular when her parents are so introverted! This is a picture of the baby doll diaper bag I made for her little friend.
The rest of the weekend will be filled with organizing Jessica's closet more efficiently so she can get to her toys without them falling on her.... And Monday...a doctor's appointment for John! And since John got the short end of the stick this week, here's one more picture of him!
My big 2 month old baby boy!! Real men wear least to bed at night so he doesn't have to wear a pink diaper to church!
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