A while back I wrote about how we had lost most of our channels due to the switch to digital. Today it is time for an update! My husband had borrowed a digital antenna from a friend of ours but we were only able to get about 7 channels. Then we tried moving it to the top of the ceiling and it improved to about 20 channels (but it was kind of annoying having all of those wires running down the wall). Now, my husband is not satisfied with mediocrity so he kept researching until he figured out a way to get the maximum amount of channels for our area. The conclusion: he built his own antenna! We now get 25 channels from the antenna he built out of spare parts that we can leave outside below the fence! He ended up connecting it to the cable wire that we don't use. Final result: more channels, no obtrusive antenna in the house, easily reached antenna for adjustments, and we are $50-$100 richer because we did not have to buy an antenna!
We also recently made another upgrade to our TV watching experience: a new TV! My husband has been wanting a new TV for several years now, but we have been trying to pay off our student loans so we kept putting it off. We also hated to spend so much money on a TV when we do not watch a lot of TV; however, we recently realized that if we wanted to go out for dinner and a movie, it would cost us $50-$100. Although we do not watch a lot of TV, we do enjoy watching the occasional movie together. Recently, we have saved enough to pay off my student loan (which we will send in once his contract is renewed in September) so we decided it would be fun to do something to celebrate! We decided on a plasma TV as they were running some great sales on them. We also decided to hang it over the fireplace to give us more room for extra seating! We figure that we will really enjoy that as our family grows! I think the really fun part about it though is that I can run a slideshow of our daughter on it when we are not watching TV!
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