David, Jessica, and I all received many thoughtful gifts. David and I received quite a few dvds, books, and scrapbooking supplies as we anticipate more "sit down time" with the approaching birth of our next child, and Jessica received quite a few outfits, leap frog toys, a dvd, and a Bible. However, there were two gifts I received that were truly special because they were made just for me!
First, my father-in-law made me a "lazy susan" to go with our walnut dinner table. (I got the table when we got married from a Pottery Barn outlet for $50 because it didn't have any legs, chairs, or a leaf. We bought unfinished legs and used wedding giftcards to buy some cheap but cute chairs. This year, David made a leaf to go in it. Soon we hope to refinish some chairs for it that survived Hurricane Katrina!) My father-in-law made the "lazy susan" out of maple, walnut, and bass wood. I thought it turned out absolutely lovely, and it matches the table very nicely!!
"Happiness is like a butterfly; the more you chase it; the more it will elude you. But if you turn your attention to other things; it will come and sit softly on your shoulder." by Henry David Thoreau
My sister, Kim, who personalized a plain white pitcher with a Henry David Thoreau quote previously, took a white sugar bowl and creamer cup and personalized them with a Hans Christian Anderson and Ralph Waldo Emerson quote respectively! I really liked the quotes she chose, and it is so much fun to use because it was made especially for me! Everyone seemed to like all of the gifts we made for them as well! Now to forget about Christmas for a while and gear up for Jessica's birthday and the birth of our next child!!
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